Malboro | Lavender Beds | Ward 4 | Plot 27


  1. The venue is 21+ both ICC and OOC.

  2. No weapons or minions out in the venue.

  3. Be courteous to the to all patrons & staff.

  4. Leave any and all OOC drama at the front door.

  5. No racism, homophobia, transphobia or xenophobia.

  6. Members of staff reserve the right to decline service at any point in time.

  7. No lala-lewding.

  8. If you wish to visit any of the FC rooms, please speak to management first.

We have a zero tolerance policy for any violation of the rules.
Violations will be met with a blacklist and a notification to our affiliates.

Autumn Tide Reserve is the brainchild of A'hlan Tia and Nyx Solavain. A dilapidated brewery renovated into a reserve and lounge for those willing pay. The cliental of Autumn Tide vary, but they all come for the same thing - exclusive services.If you are interested in the services of the Autumn Tide Reserve, you can find them either lingering around during the day. Or catch them during one of private openings.